Saturday, May 17, 2008

May 17th

I'm not a very good blogger as you can see!
Today is beautiful in Altamont, the sky is blue, the temp is
climbing and there is a light breeze! I'm sure the grand kids
will be out and about soon. I have sure missed them as they were
in Freedom since last Sat. and just got home yesterday.

I've been trying to get a few flowers planted around here. I love all
my little johnny jump ups that come up every Spring. Now I need
to get some new mulch and get that spread around.

Our porch needs to be stripped of old varnish, not a job I'm looking
forward too but something that has needed to be done for a couple
years now. We've taken down the railing and we have an "open" look now.

So, I have my work cut out for me so I better get busy!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

March 5, 2008

I'm not sure how much I will be into "blogging" but thought I would

give it a try!

Today we have had downpours of rain, yesterday rain all day,

all night rain, and now I think it has finally stopped.

Donnie is going to be heading out for Wisconsin this afternoon

so I'm trying to get clothes ready for him. I also need to get

something lined up for supper as I'm having 3 workers..

Will try to finish up here later..